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600 Harthan Street - Hotel


Harthan LLC


Austin, Texas

Project Type


Harthan Street Hotel is a historic revitalization project to convert four (4) historic multifamily buildings into a 10,357-square-foot twelve (12) key Hotel.  The hotel consists of a private club and associated amenities.  Mahoney Engineering provided due diligence / preliminary engineering, concept planning, private utility site design construction documents, and franchise utility coordination.  We were successful in obtaining the following entitlements for the project; Site Plan Revision to significantly reduce a public water line enabling project, site plan extension, and Commercial Tap Plan.  The public water line revision reduced the water line from 136 linear feet to 21 linear feet of 20” ductile iron pipe, and 173 linear feet to 105 linear feet of 8” ductile iron pipe.  This redesign effort resulted in significant cost savings to the project.

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